
Home ENGLISH DAD When are you coming here?

DAD When are you coming here?


  • INR: ₨ 195.0

Author: Fr. Jenson La Salette
Language: ENGLISH
Format: PB
Pages: 156
Publishing Year: 2016
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9789374956472

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This book is an eye-opener to the contemporary society steeped in materialism and unhealthy competition. In search of a better future for themselves and their children, the father in the family is making serious compromises today that can have a catastrophic effect on the Church and Society as the study reveals, I hope this book reaches the hands of those who need it most – the absentee fathers themselves. It is a learned and sincere attempt to focus attention on the role of the father in the family. I wish the issues raised in this book would be the subject of further research study. Best wishes to the author in this very laudable effort to bring out such issues to the limelight.
Dr. Siby Mathews IPS
Formerly Director General of Police and Chief Commissioner, Kerala State Information Commission.
Fathers are so caught up in themselves and their work, and at times in their own self-fulfillment, that they neglect their families. They leave the little ones and the young to themselves. The absent father figure in the life of little ones and young people causes gaps and wounds that may even be serious. And, in effect, delinquency among children and adolescents can be largely attributed to till lack, to die shortage of examples and authoritative guidance in their everyday life, a shortage of closeness, a shortage of love from the father. (Atnoris Laetitia, Pope Francis)
Fr. Jenson La Salette is a catholic priest, belonging to the Congregation of Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. He completed his Masters degree in Psychology as well as M. Ed. from Andhra University. He also has a Masters degree in Systematic Theology with specialization in Missiology from Sacred Heart Theological College, Shillong. He has authored three books in Malayalam namely Daivathodoppam, Orkkathe Pokunnava and Kristhuvinte Paadangal. At present he is the Director of La Salette Marian Retreat Centre, Wayanad, Kerala, India.


The Man as Father in the Family
The Father as Creator
The Father as the Head
The Father as Guardian
The Father as Guide.
The Father as Educator
The Father as Disciplinarian
The Father as Mentor
The Father as Companion.
The Father as Breadwinner
The Father as Communicator
The Man as Husband in the Family
The Husband as Sexual-Partner
The Husband as Protector
The Husband as Companion and Partner
The Husband as the Head
The Husband as Communicator
The Husband as Son-in-law
The Man as Son in the Family
Responsibility to the Parents
Responsibility to the Siblings
Responsibility to the Church
Responsibility to the Society

Happiness in the Families of Absentee Fathers.
Marital Problems in the Families of Absentee Husbands
Suicidal Tendency in the Families of Absentee Fathers
Family Prayer in the Families of Absentee Fathers
Loneliness and Tension in the Families of Absentee Fathers
Alcoholism among the Husbands
Use of Mobile Phone and Social Media by Children
Visit of Wives to their Parents’ Home
The Desire of the Absentee Fathers to Setde Back Home
Regularity of Phone Calls Made by the Absentee Fathers
Responses from the Wives of the Absentee Husbands
Responses from the Children of the Absentee Fathers
Responses from the Parents of the Absentee Sons
Responses from the Absentee Husbands
Responses from the Resettled Husbands
Responses from the Wives of the Non-Absentee Husbands
Interview with Bishop Pauly Kannookadan.
Interview with Bishop James Pazhayattil
Opinions of the Pastors
Interview with Consecrated Women
Suggestions based on the Study to the Families of Absentee Fathers
1. Beware of the Devastating and Sad Realities of Culture
2. Online Video Conferences and Prayer Sessions
3. Taking the Family to the Work Place
4. Employment of the Wives of the Absentee Husbands
5. Regulation on the Children’s Use of Mobile
Phones and Modern Media
6. Importance of Settling Back at Home
7. Parental Care with the Help of Biblical Icons
8. Communication with the Family Members
9. Cautious Use of Wealth
10. Care of Children
11. Try to be with the Family during Important Occasions
Suggestions based on the Study to the Church and Society
1. Conscientizing the Families about the Ground Reality
2. Awareness Programmes for the Couples
Preparing for Marriage
3. The Need to Re-Focus on Family Visits.
4. Family Counselling
5. Initiating Diocesan Level Programmes for the
Absentees and their Families
6. Special Family Renewal Retreats
7. Inter-Family Meet for the Family Members of the

The Family in the Old Testament
The Trinitarian Origin of the Family
The Family: An Expression of the Trinity
Exemplary Icons of Family Life in the Old Testament
Abraham: An Icon of Fidelity to God and to Spouse
Joseph: An Icon of a Forgiving Sibling, Chaste
Husband and Absentee but Responsible Son
Tobit and Tobias: Icons of Father-Son Relationship
Naomi and Ruth: Icons of Ideal In-laws The Old Testament Vision of the Stability of Family Life
Instructions at Mount Sinai
Wisdom Literature on Family Life
The Family in the New Testament
The Holy Family at Nazareth as a Model
i Joseph: An Icon of Responsible Husband
and Foster Father


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