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Wounded History

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1. Spiralling Towards Forgiveness

T. K. John.
2. Dialogue and Social Healing

Neera Chandhoke
3. Collective Violence and Reconciliation:

Healing the Past, Recovering the Future

Rudolf C. Heredia

4. The Concept of Dharma

Trinath Mishra

5. Conflict Resolution: Sources From Hinduism

6. The Critical Baul:

A Passage Through Conflict-ridden Society

Ashish Ghosh
7. The Healing Capacity of Islam

Paul Jackson

8. Tattered Bodies, Traumatized Minds: Victims and Survivors of post Ramjanmbhoomi Riots

Manoj Kumar Jha

9. The Politics of Restitution, Reparation and Apologies:

Creating a Hierarchy of Wrongs and Wrongdoers

Nandini Sunder
Ashok Nagpal

11. Pir Parai Jane Re… To Know the Suffering of the Other: Reflections on Inter-Community Relations, Communal Violence and Process of Social Healing

Purushottam Agrawal

12. Forgiveness, Reconciliation and Healing in Relational Perspective

S. Arokiasamy

13. Forgiveness, Justice, Politics:

Some Theological Reflections

George Gispert.Sauch

14. Forgiveness and Reconciliation in the New Testament

George Keerankeri

15. Models of Social Healing and Reconciliation:

A Subaltern Religio – Cultural Perspective

P. Arokiadoss

16. Violence and Its Collective Scapegoating:

An Analysis of Rene Girard’s Theory of Scapegoat Mechanism

George Praseed

17. Journey of the Alchemical Physician Iramatevar

Kanchana Natarajan
18. A Recapitulation

Samuel Rayan.

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Wounded History

Collective violence seems to be part of our life today. Violent conflicts around many issues including religion, culture, and ethnicity mark the contemporary world. One may also note that the highest number of violent conflicts is located in Africa and Asia. In this context studies and analysis like these presented in this book are important.

This book is the outcome of a Seminar organized by Developing Countries Research Centre (dcrc), University of Delhi, and Vidyajyoti College of Theology, Delhi. The topic of the Seminar finds its expression in the title of the book itself.

The various papers presented in this book are addressing issues and problems arising out of conflicts and collective violence. Historical wounds are created in the collective consciousness of the societies because of violence and conflicts. Political use ofreligion increases tensions between communities. Fractured memories, bitterness and wounded psyche are left behind by any act of violence. It is not enough to prevent conflicts. We need to develop interactive social institutions to initiate a process of healing historical wounds and to cure the wounded psyche of the people. We ought to move towards a process of reconciliation even for sanity in life. This book will surely help one in this venture.


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