
Home ENGLISH Women’s Empowerment from a Subaltern Perspective

Women’s Empowerment from a Subaltern Perspective


  • INR: ₨ 125.0

Author: Sister Mary Ajita SND

Language: English

Format: PB

Pages: 118

Publishing Year: 2010

Jointly Published By: Media House and Indo Global Social Service Society

ISBN: 9789374953648

Categories: ,


Contents-Women’s Empowerment from a Subaltern Perspective

1. Foreword
2. Acknowledgement
3. Introduction
4. The Reality of Indian Women
5. My Vision of Empowerment
6. Gender Sensitivity, understanding gender
7. Right Brain- Left brain Integration
8. Patriarchy
9. Empowerment of Women
10. Feminism
11. Gender Sensitization
12. Impact of Patriarchy on Women
13. Training for Critical Consciousness
14. Status of Girl Child in the Family
15. Our Economic Structure: An Unjust and
Exploitative Structure
16. Growing up, Adolescence
17. Balanced Diet
18. Marriage: A Game of Fate
19. Gender Division of Labour, Creating Dependency
20. Broken Dreams and Scattered Hopes
21. Women and Men View Life Differently
22. Women — Saraswati, Lakshmi ,and Durga
23. Women, the Torch-Bearers, Remaining in Darkness
24. Transformation for Self-Reliance
25. No Health, No Empowerment
26. Diseases Specific to Women
27. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction as Diseases
28. Discrimination : Women, the Untouchables
29. Organisation, Unity
30. Exercise —The Wealth of India
31. Exercise – Rice Bowl
32. The Role of Leadership in the Organisation
33. Exercise – Paper Chain
34. Exercise — Human Machine
35. Economic Empowerment
36. Onward to Progress — to Build a New Society
37. Training for Empowerment : A Personal Experience



Women’s Empowerment from a Subaltern Perspective
Training provides the crucial vehicle for taking forward the programme process, and for building and strengthening the values and vision of the programme. The objective of the training programme is to help the trainees to internalize enabling attitudes and values to assist them to understand and critically analyse prevalent socio-economic and political structure, and encourage creative leadership in the society. It is an effective tool to help the women to recognize their power within and to build their own self-worth and confidence.

I have made use of the methods and the module used in this book in the trainings. Above all, I have seen the transformations that have taken place in the trainees who have gone through the trainings. Therefore, I can say with a degree of certainty that the matter presented here will be of immense help to those engaged in training women and girls.
– Sister Sabeena SND




Sister Ajita holds a Master’s Degree in Social work from Mumbai University and is at present working as the key trainer and State Level Resource Person for Bihar Mahila Samakhya Society since 1994. This book is an outcome of her long years of experience in training the rural women of Bihar and other groups in North India. Thus the training methods given in this book are evolved from her personal experience and of the thousands of trainees.
Sister Mary Ajita, SND
Sisters of Notre Dame


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