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Walk the Talk : To Make Life a Message


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Title: Walk the Talk : To Make Life a Message
Author: Augustin Karappally
Language: ENGLISH
Pages: 103
Format: PB
Publisher: Carmel International Publishing House
Distributed by: Media House


Contents – Walk the Talk : To Make Life a Message
1. The Mustard Seed (Faith)
2. Better Never Late (Punctuality)
3. 10 D’s of Success (Success)
4. Lead Them to the Light (Nursery Entry)
5. Let There be Peace (World Brotherhood Day)
6. Be Sweet to Sweeten the World (Goodness)
7. My Gift to My Birth Place (My hometown)
8. You are Born to Win (Youth Power)
9. For the World’s Best Mom and Dad (Parents)
10. 5 S’s of Exam Mantra (Exam made easy)
11. United We Stand (Unity)
12. Mother Nature, Mother’s Nature (Save The Earth )
13. A Festival of Lights (Deepavali)
14. You are Born to a Life Eternal (Easter)
15. Heart, the Master Tool (Hard Work)
16. Saluting The Unsung Heroes (Army Day)
17. Gratitude is the best Attitude (Gratefulness)
18. Embrace, Inspire and Distribute (Eid- al- Fitr)
19. Plant Trees Grant Life (World forestry day)
20. Meekness is No Weakness (Forgiveness)
21. That too Shall Pass (Human Life)
22. The Tasty Toxic (Junk food)
23. Nomophobia (Children and Cell phone)
24. Beyond Chalk and Duster (Teacher)
25. On Your Mark… (Goal in life)
26. The Play must Go On (living a better Life)
27. For The People (Democracy)
28. Born to be a Hero (Peer pressure)
29. `U’ turns of life (Life Values)
30. Breaking the Wooden Bowl (respect for elders)


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