This book tries to communicate some reflections on prayer and its different forms, such as meditation and contemplation, and to give a few practical methods of meditative prayer. The author has found these methods of meditation and contemplation very useful in his life. Some of these methods he has learnt from his double heritage-Christian and Indian. Others he has coined through repeated experimentation and practice. He and others have proposed these reflections and methods to many persons in and outside the country. Many have found them helpful. Some have even requested him to put them in writing for the sake of a wider public. This is the reason why this booklet has been written.
Dear reader, if you have the time and the energy, do read this booklet and experiment with the ways which are proposed in these pages. See whether they help you in your search for healing and wholeness. As you know healing and wholeness comes from God. Meditation and contemplation are meant to seek and find God and rest in Him.
Fr. Ignatius Puthiadam S.J., is a member of the Dhyana Ashram Community, Chennai. He is engaged in spiritual ministry. He writes and helps people to write books. He also conducts seminars.
1. What is Prayer?.
2. The necessary Conditions of Prayer:
a. Prayer is possible only between Persons
b. Recollection or Collectedness:
c. The deep Desire and Will to pray:.
3. Various Types of Prayer:.
a. Prayer of Petition:
b. Prayer of Praise, Glorification, and Adoration:
c. Thanksgiving:.
d. Prayer of Repentance
e. Intercessory Prayer
Vocal and Mental Prayer
a. Vocal Prayer
b. Liturgical prayer
c. Repetitive Prayer
Mental Prayer
Meditation and Contemplation
a. Meditation
b. Contemplation
4. Prayer Transforms
5. Non-Christian Traditions
6. Presuppositions of Prayer
1. Purpose of Prayer
8. Prayer is not Difficult
9. Contemplative Prayer and Healing
Preliminary Remarks
a. Anxiety
i’ransfbnninf> Prayer
b. Fear
c. Anger
d. Jealousy
e. Guilt Feeling
f. Self-Rejection, and Low Self-Esteem:
10. Prayer and non-Religious Persons
11. Practical Hints
12. Awareness Exercises.
A. Remarks
Exercise: 1 : Prayer of Petition
Exercise: 2: Prayer of Praise, Glorification, and Adoration
Exercise 3: Prayer of Thanksgiving
Exercise 4 : Prayer of Repentance
Exercise 5 : Prayer of Intercession
B, Repetitive Prayer and Contemplation
Exercise 6 : The Holy Name of Jesus
Exercise 7: Transcendental Meditation (TM)
Exercise 9 : Centering Prayer
Exercise 10 : Jesus Prayer
Exercise 11: AIGhazaali’s Method (Summarized by B. Macdonald)
Exercise 12 : Short Prayers
Exercise 13 : Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, Contemplatio
Exercise 14: Sravana (Hearing), Manana (Reflection) Nididhyasana
(Repeated contemplation and appropriation
Exercise 15 : Abraham’s Prayer for Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen 18: 22-33)
Read the prayer of Abraham
Exercise 16 : Intercession
Exercise 17: Samuel’s Prayer
Exercise 18: The Prayer of Jeremiah: “You have seduced me Yahweh and I have let
myself be deceived” (20:7)
Exercise 19: Mary’s Prayer: (Lk. 1:46-55)
Exercise 20 : Group Meditation I
Exercise 21 : Group Meditation II
Exercise 22: Mysteries of Jesus Christ
Exercise 23 : Parables and Picture Meditations
a. Garden Meditation (Meaning of life)b. Light
c. The Tethered Bird.
d. Bread
e. Bread and Wine
f. Your House
g. The living water
h. The Tunnel
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