
Home ENGLISH Toward Mutual Fecundation And Fulfilment of Religious

Toward Mutual Fecundation And Fulfilment of Religious

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Author: Varghese Manimala

Language: English

Format: PB

Pages: 639

Publishing Year: 2009

Publisher: Media House

ISBN: 8174953493

Categories: ,


About the Book

Toward Mutual Fecundation and Fulfilment of Religions

The book carries its weight not only because of the amount of pages it contains but the subject matter that is contained therein has utmost validity today and needs to be discussed and practised both in the East and West by the followers of all religions and ideologies. The theme of the book is close to my heart and I am glad to say that the author has done a marvelous work by painstakingly researching into it and doing the utmost to make the issues clear and practical. Religion is “orthopraxis” and it cannot be shelved to some corners of life and to a few hours of practice; it has to permeate the whole life. As religious pluralism is a gift and a challenge the religions need to take it up with earnestness not by its denial but by learning to live with it, and as the author suggests find ways and means for mutual fecundation and fulfilment.

– Raimon Panikkar


About the Author

Varghese Manimala was born on 03/02/1946 at Manimala, Kerala; and had his primary education in the same place. Then he joined the Capuchin Order. He had his graduation from Karnataka University, Dharwar; M. A. degree in English from Calicut University; Ph. D. from Madras University; and B. L. degree from Andhra University. He is a registered advocate. He has been engaged in teaching philosophy, theology, sociology, and other allied subjects for more than 30 years. He is also associated with many NGOs who work at the grass-root level. For the past few years he had been in Europe and the U.S. especially with Prof. Raimon Panikkar engaged in post-doctoral research, and this book is the result of it. He has held positions like Rector, Principal, Secretary of Association of Christian Philosophers of India, etc. Recently he has been appointed as the Director of Henry Martyn Institute: International Centre for Research, Interfaith Relations and Reconciliation (Hyderabad). He has edited and published a few books and
also many papers in India and abroad. One of the important books is: Being, Person and Community: A Study in Inter subjectivity with Special Reference to Marcel, Sartre and the Concept qfSangha in Buddhism. Another book edited by him Faith, Reason and Science has been republished in the U.S. He is an internationally known scholar and has travelled to more than 20 countries to present papers and to participate in seminars and symposia.



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