
Home ENGLISH The Ten Commandments in the Law of Christ (10 The Saga of Sex)

The Ten Commandments in the Law of Christ (10 The Saga of Sex)


  • INR: ₨ 250.0 - ₨ 500.0

Author: Felix Podimattam
Language: ENGLISH
Format: HB
Publishing Year: 2013
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9789374954317

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


Let us know the Author Dr. Felix Podimattam OFM Cap.
Dr. Felix Podimattam is one of the best known Indian authors in the field of ethics and morality. He holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Mysore, a Licentiate degree in theology from Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome and a Doctoral degree in Moral Theology from the Alphonsian Academy, Rome. His doctoral thesis ‘The Relativity of Natural Law’ is acclaimed as exceptionally excellent. The thesis was guided by the eminent Moral Theologian, Bernard Haering, who influenced the renewal of Moral teachings of the Church during and after the Vatican II. Dr. Podimattam is resident professor at St. Francis Theological College, Kottayam and has been the founding member and first president of the Indian Moral Theologians Association. Most of his books, numbering over 120, are published by Media House, Delhi. Having gone through most of his books, let me highlight the most significant characteristics of his writings. First of all, he engages in a creative dialogue with other authors on every topic of discussion. Second, he tries to compare and integrate, as far as possible, the visions and views of other religions. Third, he holds a very positive attitude to life in general, especially to human body, sexuality, etc. Fourth, he is a keen observer of the socio-political and religious happenings in the society and responds to them immediately. His book on ‘Fast unto death’ during the upheaval of fisher people’s struggle in the eighties and his book on ‘Da Vinci Code’ a few years ago, where he gives a theological response to journalism with half-truths, are worth mentioning here. Fifth, he has taken keen interest on equal rights and dignity to women in the Church as well as in the society. In the context of widespread discrimination against women in the Church and society he published a six-volume work titled: ‘In praise of the woman’. Sixth, he holds on to the sacredness of life in all its forms and he has published books on topics like abortion, euthanasia, etc. Seventh, we find in his writings a harmonious blending of the traditional wisdom with its emphasis on fundamental Christian values as well as the findings of modern sciences like psychology, sociology, anthropology, etc, as well as the latest fruits of biblical exegesis.
The latest contribution of Dr. Podimattam, which may be acclaimed

The Making of a Masterpiece
The latest contribution of Dr. Podimattam, which may be acclaimed as his masterpiece, is: The Ten Commandments in the Law of Christ, a 20 volume work on the Decalogue. His vast knowledge on the subject gained through painstaking research, his teaching experience in various theological institutes stretching out over four decades and frank discussions with eminent thinkers have gone into this work. These books provide us with a re-interpretation of the commandments keeping in mind the genuine concerns of the people of God and at the same time remaining absolutely loyal to the teaching of Christ – “Christ did not come to abolish the law and the prophets, but to fulfil them”.


1. Male Generative Organs
2. Female Generative Organs
3. Structure of Conjugal Intimacy
4. Problems of Puberty
5. Menopause
6. Sexual Hygiene
7. Sex Energy and Aging
8. Sex is 380 Million Years Old
1. Psychology of Sex
2. Psychology of Teenagers
3. Differential Sexual Psychology
3.1. Sex and Boys
3.2. Sex and Girls
4. Sex as Antidote to Loneliness
5. Healing Powers of Sex
6. Romantic Love
7. Relativity of Sex Attraction
8. Typical Stages in the Pair-Formation Process
9. A New Love Story for the Millennium Generation
10. Why Women Play Hard to Get
11. Better Sex for the 35-Plus
13. Disguised Interest in Sex.
14. Imperiousness of Male Sex
15. Broken Heart Really Does Hurt
16. Pros and Cons of Being a Man or a Woman the list is as under
17. Non-Erotic Love between Man and Woman?
18. Partial Validity of the Pansexualism of Freud
1. The Experience of Present-Day Christians Related to…. Sexuality
2. Critique of Reports on Sex
3. Causes of Depreciation of Sex
4. Sex and Politics
5. Sex and Law 148
6. Sex and the Media
7. Sex and Violence
8. Young Women Today are Nearly Three Times More sexually Active Than in The “Swinging 60s,”
9. Parents Unable to Come to Terms with Teen-Agers’. Sexuality.
10. Sexsomnia is Common
11. Flashy Cars Don’t Make Men Sexier in Women’s Eyes
12. Seven Types of Guys Women Can’t Resist
13. Men Find Miss Average More Attractive Than Centerfold Babes
14. Men Can Literally Laugh Women into Bed
15. Men, Not Women, Spend More Time Gossiping
16 10 Romance Tips for Men
17 Why It Takes Men Just Milliseconds to Fall for Attractive Women
18. Men Who Believe in Love at First Sight Three Times More Likely to Cheat
19. Dating Game
20. What Women Want in Bed
21. Here’s What Women Want in Their Men
22. Women Find Men with Head Full of Hair Sexier
23. Flash 40 Percent of Your Skin to Allure Men!
24. Charm Your Way to His Heart
25. How to Turn Yourself into a Femme Fatale
26. Teen Girls Disclose More than Boys to Parents about.. Their Dating Habits
27. Women Panel Cautions Girls against Boyfriends
28. Nine Outfits and Accessories Women Love, but Men . Hate
29. Women Really Do Prefer Macho Men
30. A Woman’s Hairdo
31. The 30 Simple Things Women Really Want
32. Women Still Value Thoughtfulness over Sex
33. Snoring Killing Oz Women’s Sex Lives
34. How to Get the Perfect Guy
35. Why Women Prefer Calm and Composed Men
36. Men Find Frugal Women ‘Sexy
37. Women Want More Sex
38. Women Moan More about Poor Health than Men
39. Michelle Obama Gives Dating Advice to Women
40. The Growing Malaise bf Impotency
41. Street Children’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Sexual Behavior
1. Philosophers and Sexl
2. Excellence of Human Sex
2.1. Nobility of the Human Body
2.2. Essential Difference between Human Sex and Animal Sex
2.3. Centrality of Human Sex
3. Nature of Human Sex
3.1. General Concept of Human Sexuality
3.2. The Meaning of Human Sex
3.3. Sex as the Energy of Life Itself
3.4. Sexuality as Humanness Geared to Loving.
3.5. Sex as a Mystery of Intimacy
3.6. Sex as the Energy of Human Need for the Other
3.7. The Sexual Instinct as a Socio-Love Drive
3.8. Sex as Language
3.9. Sexuality as Essential to Human Being
3.10. Sex as a Mystery of Self-Awareness
3.11. Sex and Love of Self
3.12. Sex Appeal and Love
4. Genital Sex and Generic Sex
5. Sexual Desire and the Desire for Sex
6. Sexual Sharing and Other Activities
7. Sex and Other Appetites
8. Sex and Gender
9. The Problematic Side of Sex
1. Positive Theological Insights regarding Sexuality
1.1. Insights from the Bible Regarding Sexuality
1.1.1. Some General Orientations
1.1.2. Some Specific Indications Goodness of Sexuality Sexuality as Primarily Unitive rather than Procreative. Equality of Men and Women. Marriage, not Indispensable for All Goodness of Sexual Pleasure within Marriage
1.2. Insights from the Sexuality of Jesus
1.2.1. Did Jesus Possess Sexuality? Testimony of the Bible Testimony of the Church. Theological Reasons
1.2.2. Was Jesus Sexually Tempted?
1.2.3. Was Jesus Married?
1.3. Insights from the Sexuality of the Apostles
1.4. Insights from the Magisterium regarding Sexuality 334
1.5. Insights from Tradition regarding Sexuality 339 2. Systematic Theological Insights regarding Sexuality
2.1. Sexuality as Mystery of the Image of God
2.2. Sexuality as Mystery of God-Experience
2.3. Sexuality as Mystery of Complementarity
2.4. Sexuality as Mystery of Bipolarity
2.5. Sexuality as Mystery of Procreation
3. Theology of Erotic Love
3.1. Erotic Love as Agape
3.2. Eros as a Spiritual Drive
3.3. The Divine Dimension of Eros
3.4. Erotic Love Overcomes the Sexual Passion
4. Sexuality and Eschatology
4.1. Sexuality and Eternity
4.1.1. Presence of Sexuality in Heaven
4.1.2. Nature of Sexuality in Heaven
4.2. Marriage and Eternity
5. The Church as a Sexual Community Be Cultivated
7 Man-Woman Partnership to Be Fostered
8 Value of All Genuine Complementary Love to Be Acknowledged

Additional information


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