
Home ENGLISH The Seventh Commandment Revisited Vol. 1

The Seventh Commandment Revisited Vol. 1

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Author: Fr. Felix Podimattam
Language: English

Format: PB

Pages: 287
Publishing Year: 2011

Publisher: Media House

ISBN: 9789374953853


About the Book



The seventh commandment: “You shall not steal” (Ex 20:15) appears to be the most needed commandment in our day, for it deals with justice. This is what might be called a basic commandment. It is not only a necessary part of the Christian ethic; it is a necessary part of any agreement to live together. It is part of the foundations of any society, and noncompliance to it would attack society at its roots.

The seventh commandment is concerned with God’s loving dominion in the realm of earthly goods. God fashioned Man to have need of earthly goods for his existence and development as person and member in society. These goods the Creator generously bestowed upon the human family in superabundance without, however, exempting Man from the constant need of work. If God exalts his dominion of love through his bounty which he bestows upon all Men, then indeed, it is the duty of Man to say Yes to the plan of divine wisdom as it appears in the very order of creation. It is his duty to bear witness to his own likeness to God also by his work in fashioning earthly things, by his work in the terrestrial order, using gratefully these gifts of the divine bounty as means and instruments of love.


About the Author

Dr Felix Podimattam is one of the best-known moral theologians in India and outside. Besides his full time job as a professor, he finds time to write books at an amazing rate. He has authored 100 books. Besides his Master’s degree in Political Science from the University of Mysore, he holds a Licentiate in Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, and subsequently a Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Alphosian Academy, Rome, His post-doctoral studies were pursued in Washington, DC, U.S.A. At Present he is professor of moral theology at St. Francis Theological College, Kottayam, Kerala.


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