
Home ENGLISH The Second Assaaaination of Gandhi

The Second Assaaaination of Gandhi


  • INR: ₨ 125.0



Reflections on Gandhi, the Freedom Struggle and

Indian Nationalism


Gandhi on the Nature of Swara

Gandhi Questioned on the Nature of Swaraj, his Political Objectives and Communal Violence

Gandhi on the Nature of Swaraj

Gandhi on Hindu-Muslim Unity and the Curse of Untouchability

Gandhi on Untouchability

Gandhi on the Nature of Islam

Gandhi on the Role of Women in the Freedom Struggle and His Debt to the Parsi Community

Gandhi on the Minority Problem in India and the Claims of Congress to represent the Indian nation

Gandhi to C. F. Andrews, stressing the Unity of His Programme, ‘Parnakuti’,

Gandhi on the Abyssinian War and his Continuing

Belief in Non-Violence

Gandhi’s Reflections on the Policy of Concessions to

Muslims and Opposition to Partition

Gandhi’s Denunciation of the anti-Muslim slogans of the RSS

Speech of Gandhi at a Prayer meeting

Speech of Gandhi at a Prayer Meeting

Speech of Gandhi at a Prayer Meeting

Gandhi on the Nature of Religion and the Avoidance of Communal Violence

Gandhi on the need to preserve the use of the

Urdu Language in India

Gandhi on True Friendship tested in Communal Adversity

Speech of Gandhi against Hindu-Muslim violence and

the Hindu Mahasabha and RSS at an ICC Meeting

Speech of Gandhi on Kashmir and Truth in History at a Prayer Meeting, New Delhi, 25 December 1947

Speech of Gandhi after Breaking his Fast

Speech of Gandhi at a Prayer Meeting after

an Assassination Attempt

Extract from the Report of the Commission of Inquiry

into the Conspiracy to Murder Mahatma Gandhi

The RSS in the Aftermath of the Assassination of Gandhi

‘Falsehood, thy name is Gandhi!’: The Gandhi-Muslim Conspiracy as perceived by a Hindu Nationalist

Brahm Datt Bharti: Was Gandhi a Traitor?

Why Hindu Rashra? The Hindu Extreme Right Wing’s

View of the Minorities Problem in India 112

Vishva Hindu Parishad: Points of [the] Hindu Agenda

Concerned Citizen’s Tribunal: Gujarat 2002. Interim Observations


TheSecond Assassination of Gandhi?
India gained Independence as a plural, democratic country. The Freedom movement, which was led by Mahatma, was the mass movement in which all the Indians participated irrespective of their religion, caste or gender. This movement aimed at getting rid of British rule, contributed to the formation of India as a democracy based on the principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, and was accompanied by the movements for caste and gender equality. Gandhiji, a devout Hindu, regarded religion as a private matter of the individual and for this belief of his, was murdered by ideologue of Hindutva. Hindutva is not Hinduism, it is an intolerant, sectarian politics based on Brahminical Hinduism.
Today this ideology, Hindutva, which remained aloof from freedom struggle and National movement, is claiming to be the sole custodian of Patriotism. It is asserting an intolerant version of Hinduism totally against the Bhakti and Sant traditions of Hinduism, which Gandhiji followed.
This book tries to highlight the contributions of Gandhiji and the tenets of his politics which could make the bridges between the people to build our democracy, whose existence is under threat due to the onslaught of different shades of Hindutva.
About the Author
Ram Puniyani, recipient of Maharashtra Foundation Award for Social Work (2002) is associated with various secular initiatives in Mumbai. He is a member of EK.TA (Committee for Communal Amity) and is a regular writer on different facets of the problems relevant to Secular values and plural ethos. He has written a book “The Other Cheek: Minorities Under Threat” Published by Media House, Delhi and has edited an anthology “SecularChallengetoCommunal Politics.”


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