
Home ENGLISH The Holy Sayings of Jesus (MARK)

The Holy Sayings of Jesus (MARK)


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Title: The Holy Sayings of Jesus

Translated into English: C.G. THOMAS
Language: ENGLISH
Format: HB
Pages: 266
Publishing Year: 2019
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9789388989015

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


It is not an unknown fact that there are certain minute
differences of vision in the four gospels that remain as
authoritative records regarding the life of Jesus. The four
disciples who lived along with Jesus and witnessed the activities
of Jesus, made their experiences as the basis of recording the
gospels. The style of writing of each disciple was different.
Mathew saw Jesus as the promised Messiah. Mark understood
Jesus as the servant of God. Luke and John gave room to Jesus’
life in history. Luke considered Jesus as a perfect man with
God’s entrustment while John as Son of God doubtlessly. Jesus
became a miracle going beyond limit of the time and brought
mankind under a new treatment by his life, crucification, death
and resurrection on the third day. Jesus taught the world that the
way of holiness is the way of Love and sufferings, by giving his
life. He divided the time as old and new.

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Hard Cover, Ebook


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