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The Cry of the Poor


  • INR: ₨ 95.0



The Cry of the Poor
‘The Cry of the Poor’ is the outcome of a grassroot-level missionary’s anguish over the irrelevance of Church’s neck-deep involvement in higher education and elitist health care. As a priest-worker, Fr. Avito Pottukulam has been witness to the futility of Church’s overzealousness in running universities, colleges and high-pay hospitals, with the backing of heavy Church resources. Here he makes out a strong case against such cozy ‘missionary’ activities which have no bearing on the ‘real missionary’ work of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Quoting from Bible, Second Vatican Council documents and other Church authors, Fr. Avito tries to establish that Church’s preoccupation in the above fields is nothing but an aberration of its professed values and basic principles of Christian existence. He goes hammer and tongs against Church’s perceived favouring of upper class citizens at the cost of the people who live on the edges of human existence.
Basing his arguments on thought-provoking ideas, supported by his wealth of experience and observation, Fr. Avito has succeeded in sending a message, which to many may seem to be outdated in the context of modern world of globalisation, to the powers-that-be in the Church.


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