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The Bliss of Being Human
- INR: ₨ 225.0
Part 1: Interfacing Science and Religion
A. Dialogical Existence
1. Jnana-pipasa-.Science and religion in a common search
2. Science and religion in emerging convergence
3. Science and religion in enriching conversation
4. Science and religion in prophetic interaction
5. Science and religion in search for survival
6. Science: A parable told to religion in crisis
7. Trinitarian science and relational religion
8. Scientific parity and religious equality
B. Chaotic Reality
9. Realities beyond scientific inquiry
10. Reality as relationship.
11. Being on the dark side
12. Chaos theology of reality
13. Chaos theory of pluralism
14. Creative chaos for an inspiring life
15. Life as an Interplay of order and chaos
C. Human Immortality
16. Life on other worlds too?
17. Human longing and fulfilment
18. The end of humanity?
19. Human beings: Endless and dependent?
20. Post human beings: Scientific and religious postulates
21. Immortality for a privileged few?
22. The divine among immortal humans!
D. Creative Word
23. God as creator of big bang?
24. God’s unlimited and human’s limited universe
25. Creativity as cultivating conversation
26. The hermeneutics of text and religious approach
27. The science of hermeneutics of religious words .
28. The word in the world
Part II:The Biotic Coincidences
1. The origin of the cosmos
2. The origin of life
3. Reality as coincidences
4. The conspiracy to life
5. The universe as a suitable habitat
5. The beryllium bottleneck of heavy elements
7. Neutrinos and supernovas
8. The weak force and helium production
9. Di-protons and nuclear force
10. Electron-proton mass ratio.
11. Red, giant stellar balancing act
12. The proper size of the universe
13. Electron-proton charge equality
14. 1, 2, 3 of quantization.
15. The “flavour” of asymptotic freedom..
16. Neutron-proton mass differential
17. Electron excitation and stellar types
18. The gravitational strength: Just OK!.
19. Water, water everywhere: Just the right density!
20. In proper dimensions of three!
21. What if…! Further fine-tunings
21. A human Creator?
22. Universe becoming God?
Part III: The Anthropic Coincidences
1. The humanising features
2. The origin of humans.
3. Creating a culture of being humans
4. Intelligence through the sizing of brain.
5. Walking erect to human destiny
6. Diffusing through skinning.
7. Facing life colourfully..
8. Handling teeth and throat.
9. Differing in sexual shapes
10. Retaining, retardation and maturation
11. Meaning making memes
12. The golden barrier
1. A sense of awe
2. Unheard melodies are sweeter
3. Human being as trailblazers.
4. The enchanting darkness
Chart 1: Johari window
Chart 2: Some significant dates
Chart 3: The cosmic timeline
Chart 4: Formation of carbon
Chart 5: Energy Levels of He, Be, Ca
Chart 6: The human timeline
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