
Home ENGLISH Saint Lawrence of Brindisi (1 MARIALE)

Saint Lawrence of Brindisi (1 MARIALE)


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Author: Vernon Wagner
Language: ENGLISH
Format: HB
Pages: 550
Publishing Year: 2014
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 8174952969


With this translation of his Mariale, we introduce the English reading public to the writings of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi. Though not exactly a household name, this Capuchin priest has been declared a Doctor of the Church and his doctrinal, apologetic, and devotional writings have earned for him the title of the Apostolic Doctor.
It is fitting that the first volume of his edited works in English should contain his sermons in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for whom the author had a tender devotion.
This devotion is no more evident than in this work entitled the Mariale, or a compilation of some 84 manuscripts that comprise almost a complete theology ranging from the Immaculate Conception to Mary’s Assumption and glorification. Reading the sermons one discovers that they are quite doctrinal in character and appeal somewhat more to the mind than to the heart. If his life was the song of his heart, then the Mariale is the song of his mind, although often exclamations of tender love erupt from his words. Lawrence uses almost 100 different titles of praise in Mary’s honor and more than 80 images borrowed from Scripture. The sermons are very logically developed, quite innovative at times, and, above all, exhibit a knowledge of Scripture than can only be described as phenomenal.


Brief Biography of Saint Lawrence of Brindisi
The Praises And Invocation of The Virgin Mother of God
Section I: The Vision of Saint John The Evangelist
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sennon Four
Sermon Five
Sennon Seven
Section 2: The Angel Gabriel Was Sent From God
Sennon One
Sennon Two
Sermon Three
Sennon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Seven
Sennon Eight
Sermon Nine
Sennon Ten
Sennon Eleven
Sermon Twelve
Sermon Thirteen
Sermon Fourteen
Sermon Fifteen
Sennon Sixteen
Scetion 3: The Angelic Salutation
Sennon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Six
Sermon Seven
Sermon Eight
Sermon Nine
Sermon Ten
Section 4: He Canticle of The Virgin Mother of God
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Six
Sermon Seven
Sermon Eight
Sermon Nine
Sermon Ten
Section 5: On: Blessed is The Womb
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Section 6: On: Her Foundations
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Six
Section 7: The Salve Regina
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Six
PARI r\VG Feasts of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Section 1: The Immaculate Conception
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Six
Sermon Seven
Sermon Eight
Sermon Nine
Sermon Ten
Sermon Eleven
Section 2: The Purification
Sermon One
Sermon Two
Sermon Three
Sermon Four
Sermon Five
Sermon Six
Section 3: The Visitation
Sermon One
Section 4: Feast ofOur Lady of The Snow
Sermon One
Section 5: The Assumption
Sermon One
Sermon Three

Additional information


Hard Copy, Ebook


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