
Home ENGLISH Relation and Relativity

Relation and Relativity


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Title: Relation and Relativity

Author: Johnson Puthenpurackal
Language: ENGLISH
Format: PB
Pages: 270
Publishing Year: 2014
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9788174952684

Categories: ,


Studies on Moral Issues
si <1 je * ”V gar -In a culture of’canned happiness’ of market-value

and easy availability a culture that gives only

scanty importance to the moral realm of the

‘ought’ we find a daring thinker of the ‘ought’, Dr.

Felix Podimattam, OFMCap, who has been

disturbing the comfortable, and comforting the

disturbed with his numerous writings. The present

book. Relation and Relativity, is inspired by and

dedicated to this thinker of the ‘ought’. The ought-

dimension, with which morality is primarily

concerned, manifests itself concretely in humans’

multi-directional relation: to the Divine, to others,”

to the Nature, and to oneself. The dignity of

humans consists in living this relation as best as

possible. If relation is the ‘what’ of morality,

relativity is the ‘how’ of il a ‘how’ that avoids the

twin extremes of relativism and absolutism. Dr.

Podimattam’s daring and triumphant march

through the moral Held of relation, armed with

relativity, has inspired many a moral thinker to

Bjoin in this march. The various studies in this Festschrift are expressions of a concerted effort to keep on this moral journey of search and research


‘Message from General Minister

Mauro Johri, ofmcap

‘Foreword’ from Provincial Minister

Thomas Jacob Thekkumkattil, ofmcap

‘Introduction’ from the Editor

Johnson Puthenpurackal, ofmcap


Relation and Relativity: The Theme

Tears That See… Do You Believe?

Nishant A. Irudayadason

Re-Visiting Natural Law in Moral Theology

George Therukattil, mcbs

Relational Character of Christian Morality

Anil Sequeira, ofincap

Love, Charity and Justice:

Towards a Unified Understanding

Thomas Srampickal

Human-Cosmos Relationship: A Critical Conversation

Sahayadas Fernando,

6 I Relation and Relativity: Studies on Moral Issues

Moral Responsibility for Unintended and

Unforeseen Consequences

Hormis Mynatty

Option for Celibacy in Ministerial Priesthood

Sebastian Chundakattil, ofmcap

Communication and Media Ethics

Sebastian Periannan

Religious Life: A Tri-Dimensional Relationship

Charles Furtado, ofmcap


Felix Podimattam: The Person

Felix Podimattam: A Biographical Sketch of the Person

Sixtus Thundathil, ofmcap

What Has Life Taught Me? A Reflective Look-back

Felix Podimattam, ofmcap

From Absolutism to Relativity:

Leitmotifs in Podimattam’s Moral Theology

Joseph Mathew, ofmcap

Spirituality in the Writings of Felix Podimattam

Liguory Noronha, ofmcap

Writings of Felix Podimattam



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