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Prayer and Contemplation


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Foreivord Introduction
1. Prayer And World View
-Ignatius Puthiadam, S.J. 1
2. Evagrius on Prayer
-Ignatius Puthiadam, S.J. 27
3. God whom we worship:

The Teaching of Gregory Nazianzen —V.C. Samuel

4. The Spirituality of St. Augustine: Our Share in the Divine Life

—Hans Staffner, S.J.

5. Mysticism of St. Augustine

—B. Joseph Francis


6. Contemplation According to St. Gregory the Great

—Anastasio Gomes, O.C.D. 109

7. “The Pilgrim’s” Hesychast Mysticism

—James Aerthail, C.M.I. 123

8. The Integrative Doctrine of God of the

-Richard De Smet, S.J. 139

9. Yoga According to Patanjali

—Swami Bhajanananda 159

10. Jivan-Mukti or Liberation In This Life

—Subhash Anand

12. In Quest of God According to Madhva

—D. Kamath, S.J.

13. Saiva Siddhanta Spirituality

—Ignatius Hirudayam, S.J.

14. Satsanga : The Company of Saints

—Subhash Anand-

15. Worship in Hinduism and Christianity

—Swami Bhajanananda

16. Stretching Forth to Infinity:

The Mystical Doctrine of Gregory of Nyssa —Richard De Smet, S.J.

17. Search for and Rest in God: Augustine and Madhva

—Ignatius Puthiadam, S.J.

18. Towards an Indian Christian Spirituality

—Bede Griffiths, O.S.B.

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This series attempts to facilitate an effective and fruitful dialogue between religions. Most of the material at the source level is intended for anyone who is interested in purposeful dialogue across religions. The essays and articles have been prepared by various scholars in their respective fields.

Book 1 Prayer and Contemplation

Ed: Cletus M. Vadakkekara

This book comprises 18 scholarly papers, each one unfolding a specific realm of spirituality, and affords the richness of the Christian Patristic as well as various Hindu traditions.

ISBN 81-7495-026-5

Book 2 Divine Grace and Human Response

Ed: Cletus M. Vadakkekara

The studies in this volume cover a wide range of teachings on Divine Grace from the Bible and the Fathers, and the main schools of Hindu thought, revealing an extraordinary degree of parallel doctrine in Christian and Hindu traditions. ISBN 81-7495-027-3

Book 3 The Sign Beyond All Signs

Christian Monasticism in Dialogue with India Ed: Canon Francis V. Tiso

This book cm monastic themes continues the kind of creative conweirsatarj ass the previous volumes do, and is offered as a panipi of Vie struggle to arrive at deeper inter-reSgious undMStaming).

ISBN 81-7495-019-2


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