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On Wings of the Swan

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Author: Joe Kunnumpuram
Language: ENGLISH
Pages: 295
Format: PB
Publication Year: 2015
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9789374956311


The present book, ‘On the Wings of the Swan’, introduces the reader to the amazing power of meditations in bringing about healing, empowerment, and spiritual growth. On the wings of the swan, the proverbial Indian bird of wisdom and discernment, we are lead to the eternal mountains of God. It is from these heights of God we begin our journey as a river of life flowing into the depths of the eternal oceans of God. In our life journey we encounter many obstacles, light and shadows, to be faced with the deepest awareness. From the awareness of these obstacles a way is found through meditations to go beyond the light and shadows to the pure realm of enlightenment. It is here that we are engulfed in the ocean of love and compassion for all beings. The meditations set forth in this book are meant to take us to the other shore of reality where one attains peace and joy to be shared with all creation.

EST* Iff] Joe Kunnumpuram, S. J., is a trained Pf ^ftfe”-» Psychologist, Spiritual Director, and Retreat f * jj^^jfc Master. Besides his philosophical and theological Er • stud’es’ he has done his Masters in Chemistry and

|f . “3PT Clinical Psychology. He taught chemistry at St. mggm Michael’s School, Patna from 1978 – 1983. He “” *” ‘ ‘ was Master of Novices at the Patna Jesuit Novitiate from 1983 – 1991. Then he did his Masters in Clinical Psychology from Ateneo de Manila University from 1991 -1994. After his studies he was appointed to Atmadarshan, Patna, Center of Spirituality and Counseling. At present he is the Program Director of Atmadarshan Experience, a four and a half months’ Course in Holistic Integration. His first book, ‘The Miracle of Awareness’, has been well received by the readers for an easy and quick way to healing and empowerment from within the human person for a new awakening. The book has gone into three editions. His second book, ‘On Wings of the Swan’, is another success story in the art of meditation for healing, empowerment, and spiritual integration. He has given various programs in counseling, psychotherapy, healing, spiritual direction, retreats, and leadership training.






Mystery of the Human Person

Body, Mind, Spirit Unity

Openness to all reality

Awakening through Meditation

Harmony with all Reality

Harmony with the Core of One’s Inner Being Atmadarshan

Harmony with Others

Harmony with the Cosmos

Harmony with the Core of all Creation


Atmadarshan as Brahmadarshan

Experience of Union


Healing, Empowerment, Integration

Wellness as Harmony

Illness as Disharmony


Disease as Malfunction


Healing and Physical cure through Meditation

Benefits of Meditation







Chapter 1

Dynamic Meditation

Body Dynamics

Body Vibrations

Dance Rhythms.

Fine Tuning

Deep Relaxation

Other Methods of Relaxation

Tuning the Mind

Awareness of posture

Awareness of Sounds

Awareness of breathing

Awareness of Body sensations.

Tuning the Spirit

Deepening the Experience

Chapter 2.



Meditative Relaxation

Meditative Relaxation and Brain Waves

Meditation, Relaxation Response, and Healing


Awareness of Posture

Awareness of sounds

Awareness of Breathing

Releasing the Free Spirit

Astral Travel

A Place of Perfect Rest

Experience of Meditation

Back Home

Meditation Processing


Repetition of the meditation


Recording Feelings

Recording Insights/Discoveries

Personal Reflection.

Group Sharing





Chapter 3

Awareness Meditative Relaxation

AMR Script

Body Relaxation

Awareness of Breathing

Awareness of Body Sensations

Awareness of Stressful Areas of the Body

Awareness of Stressful Feelings

Back to Awareness of Body Sensations

Back to Awareness Breathing.

Awakening from Meditation

AMR Therapy

The Miracle of Body awareness

Origin of illness


“Watcher Self” and Well-being

Some Basic Conditions for Healing

1. The desire to be healed

2. Necessity of faith in healing:

3. Pacing and leading in healing

4. Necessity of dissociation in healing

5. Body shift as a sure sign of healing

6. Atmosphere of love and compassion in healing

7. Allowing the organism to heal itself


1. Awareness of one’s posture.

2. Awareness of sounds

3. Awareness of one’s breathing

Diagnosis of the Problem

1. Presenting Problem

2. Actual Problem

Age Regression.



1. Pure awareness

2. Intensifying the awareness

3. Tightening and loosening the affected body parts

4. Awareness breathing

5. Healing images and symbols

6. Healing color

7. Healing light

8. Experience of the Divine Image, Color, or Light
Body Shift.



Tuning the Body


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