
Home New Arrivals Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 1-10) Complete Set

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 1-10) Complete Set


  • INR: ₨ 1,495.0 - ₨ 2,995.0

Author :- Joseph Mattam SJ

Actual Price :- 3333/-

Sale Price :- 2995/-

Format : Paperback | E Book

Publishers :- Media House and SPCS

ISBN :- 978-93-88989-66-4



For Preachers, Pastors, Teachers, Animators, Motivators, Social Workers, Social Development Workers etc.

About the Author

Joseph Mattam, SJ, an Indian Jesuit and an emeritus professor of theology, was the founder and first director of the Gujarat Regional Theologate and later of the Gujarat Vidya Deep, the Regional Seminary. He had been lectureing in many theologates and seminaries in India and abroad, especially Africa. He is a member of various national and international associations and was the president of FOIM (Fellowship of Indian Missiologists, an ecumenical association), and author of eight books and has edited 12 books, and many articles in theological and missiological Journals in India, Africa, France and the US. Now he is an assistant parish priest at Anklay.


Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 1)

1. A carpenter’s Gift: Build Bridges, not Walls.
2. One among you is the Messiah
3. Are you God’s Wife?
4. Keep a Record of Joy
5. Heart of a Teacher: Good things told by Companions
6. Problem with Education: What do you make?
7. Socialism
8. Twelve Purposes for Pa in in the Midst of Grief
and Suffering
9. God’s little Angel
10. A Better Home
11. It is No Secret
12. The Rule of Lao Tzu
13. What about you? Just Stay
14. A Father’s Eyes
15. Mentally retarded?
16. Appearance can deceive
17. The 212° concept
18. A Cup of Coffee
19. Love your Enemies
20. A Box Full of Kisses

21. A Child’s Hand
22. For Sale
23. Gift for Mother
24. Accident.
25. The Nerd
26. Ha stemakes waste.
27. Vultures & Humming birds
28. Sacrilege.
29. Responsibility of the Pa rents and Elders
30. Easy Eddie
31. A Child’s Wisdom
32. All is in the Timing
33. A Christian Witness.
34. Clever Dog.
35. A bumpy plane ride
36. Society
37. Encounter with Christ..
38. A Drop in the Bucket..
39. Little Johnny and Worms.
40. A Million Frogs.
41. A Humble and Contrite Heart.
42. Puppies for Sale
43. Jewish Father and Son.
44. A Love Story.
45. A Ma n And His Dog..
46. Warwick.
47. A Miser’s Death.
48. Never too little
49. A Mother’s letter to the doctor who told her to
about her baby: My Child Was Perfect.
50. A Mother’s Last Wish.

51. A Widow and her only Child
52. A Mountain of Dirt.
53. A Parable of Church Workers.
54. A poor man & his Wife
55. A Protestant Pastor’s first Rosary
56. Keep the Relationships Alive
57. A Sales Girl in a Chennai Store – Giri Trading
58. A ship’s engine.
59. A Short Course in Human Relations.
60. A Simple Gesture (True Story)
61. An Echo..
62. Secret of Happiness.
63. A Ten-Cent Idea.
64. A thought provoking message
65. Abdul Kalam speak s.
66. A Visible Goal.
67. A Weak King..
68. Untimely Death of a Young Man
69. A King and a Donkey
70. Thoughts on Acceptance.
71. Actions should Match Words
72. The Airport Angel – She wouldn’t have made it to
see her dying Mom without an act of kindness!
73. Adversity – Grind or Shine.
74. Blurred Vision..
75. Mother and Son..
76. Age is not a Barrier.
77. Aging is a matter of Perspective
78. Aging
79 . Alexander, the Great, Commander (LEADER ).
80. Noah’s Ark: Everything I need to know, I learned
from Noah’s Ark.

81. All things happen for a reason and alwa ys for
our good.
82. Always Hitting the Bull’s Eye..
83. Am I digging in the direction of the ocean; or
am I just digging in the direction that is easy?..
84. A hungry Fox..
85. Not everyone is your enemy..
86. The fence will never be the same..
87. Hatred…
88. A few truths of life
89. Idiots are easily taken for a ride. Use your head
90. The Law of the Garbage Truck.
91. Amid scenes of devastation, a hopeful sign.
92. Atheist: An Atheist Teacher..
93. An attitude of gratitude.
94. Asking for a raise.
95. Farmer Boy..
96. Treasure.
97. Real Blindness.
98. Importance of Observation..
99. Entirely Guilty.
100. Perpetual Adoration.
101. Attitude is Everything

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 2)

1. The train of life
2. The Power of Prayer
3 I need water, not your tie.
4 All because the hermit prayed before the image of
the Virgin Mary
5 Save a neighbour, you save your own children.
6 Each gives what s/he has.
7 Bad Habits.
8 An Inspiring Message.
9 An old man and his wife.
10 An old man in Tasmania ..
11 We fail to find God
12 Ancient good manners.
13 Animals that Prophesy..
14 A Tribute to Brains..
15 Bad Parental Example..
16 Dignity of Labour
17 The Bamboo and the Fern.
18 Bank Account of Memories.
19 Assumptions.

20 Cockroach Theory
21 Count your blessings.
22 A Beautiful letter written by a father to his
23 Baby Boy Is a Living Miracle as First To Undergo
Bizarre Facial Operation
24 Avoid These Actions to Live Regret-Free
25 Come Down.
26 A Blind boy.
27 Cannot fool all the world.
28 What Do You Mean “We”?
29 Beautiful explanation by Swami Vivekananda:
30 Before Abraham was I am.
31 Being a Mom Can Be Tough..
32 A Touching life story.
33 Every Bucket Counts..
35 Excellence..
36 Expect an Answer..
37 Simple Solutions
38 Fall of Pride..
39 How to Pray Better!.
40 Hasty Conclusions.
41 Your Inspiration for Today..
43 Jumping the Queue
44 Year End Thoughts
45 Grandmother Passed away. Tips, Advice
46 God Bless You.
47 A wise man cracked a joke, all of the audience
laughed like crazy.

49 A Litt le Fellow Follows Me.
50 Ninety two year old preacher
51 A Father’s love…
52 Butterfly.
53 Attitude in Adversity…
54 Att itude is everything!..

55 Att itude of Gratitude..
56 Bapt ized by a non believing policeman
57 Asking for directions
58 Barracuda and the Mullet

59 A very special Bank.
60 A very vain woman.
61. Truth Of Life..
62 Being truthful means to be genuine, honest, to
mean what you say.
63 Accept ance of guilt is a necessary pre-requisite for
pardon, or for change..
64 Revenge…
65 Six year old Sally’s trust in God.
66 Building an Ark.
67 Be Kind at All Times..
68 Be Meek with the Weak..
69 Be not Too Busy.
70 Value of a Gift.
71 Be Polite always, at any cost..
72 Be Positive..
73 Be Punctual.
74 Be Someone who listens
75 Be thankful for the 98% good in life.
76 Be Yourself!..
77 Bearded Fool..
78 Best Day of My Life

79 Big God.
80 Big Rocks First
81 Big Trouble.
82 Very Inspirational
83 Brain Power.
84 Wranglers and Stranglers..
85 Build bridges, not walls.
86 Bumps and Bruises..
87 Consoling a dying person
88 A Lesson from a learned Son for every son and
89 Think of the other first.
90 C.O.D.-Courage on Demand..
91 Californian and Hawaiian Woodpeckers Have a Chat.
92 Can I Borrow $ 5?.
93 Can I Come With Him?.
94 Preparation..
95 Choosing a successor – be honest..
96 Candle..
97 A priest overcomes his stammering.
98 Carried to Paradise by the hands of the
Blessed Virgin..
99 Change of Heart..
100 Charity covers up a multitude of sins.
101 Chicken for Dinner

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 3)

1. Prayer
2. Failure.
3. Following the Crowd..
4. H ow to Stay Young..
5. Forewarned is Forearmed.
6. Forrest Gump dies and goes to Heaven.
7. Four Rabbis..
8. Know when to change course
9. A story too beautiful for any preface
10. Frantic pursuit after what?
11. T he Wolf and the Lamb
12. Being honest..
13. Gentleness.
14. H ow real is it?
15. Health or Wealth
16. D o not be discouraged
17. W hat if Everyone at Mass is Busy Judging Everyone Else?
18. Genuine Love bird and its chicks
19. Genuine seeker
20. The Tortoise.
21. George Washington and the cherry tree
23 H ow something is said is What Counts.

24 Gift of Love.
25 You cannot cheat yourself..
26 Gifts of Nature
27 God Can Use Anyone.
28 God can write straight on crooked lines.
29 Stuck in the Mud.
30 Flattery is sugar coated venom; BEWARE!..
31 If you want to be happy control your desire to posses
more and more.
32 H ow rare a commodity genuine goodness has become!.
33 Coronavirus, Life and the Family: “The Good,
the Bad and the Ugly”.
34 God is not amused with a thousand words.
35 M any of us take control of our life and lose it
36 God’s Plan.
37 God Helps Those Who Help Themselves.
38 God and Me..
39 God Never Gets Tired.
40 God was Wonderstruck.
41 How to Conquer Fear
42 Going the Extra Mile
43 Good Friends – Best Medicine
44 Good Thoughts
45 Gossip.
46 Government Employees..
47 Gratitude Expressed..
48 Greedy Lawyer?
49 H ow to Live and Die
50 Entertain no ill-will or malice.
51 Gregg Blair
52 Growing Apples.
53 Growing Naturally

54 Have Your Cake & Eat It Too.
55 Hands that serve are holier than the lips that pray.
56 Dinner Club.
57 The World Is Mine
58 Essence of Courage
59 “I Can Make It Happen”
60 W hat it means to be a woman.
61 The Tiger’s Whisker
62 Take Time To
63 Hang In There
64 Happiness is your decision
65 Happiness – a Project for Life.
66 Woman in search of happiness.
67 I am a diamond.
68 I ‘ll be Happy when
69 Hasty Conclusions.
70 A Doctor Speaks
71 H ave a Great Life
72 H e is going to be a Catholic Priest.
73 H e’s Not My Step father.
74 Heart Prints..
75 The Butterfly
76 Growing Corn
77 Following Rabbi’s Orders
78 Your Relationships
79 The Touchstone
80 A n Octopus in Trouble
81 A Call to Greatness
82 Hereford Cows.
83 H is and Her Diaries.
84 Saved by a Slice of Bread

85 History of Stanford University.
86 Hit by enemy fire and about to die, he sees the Virgin
smile at him
87 Dad, you hold my hand.
88 Choosing a Successor.
89 Respect Your Parents
90 Hope and Greed.
91 House of 1000 mirrors.
92 House with the Golden Windows.
93 H ow a 5-year-old taught her dad the role of Mary.
94 How a medal of Mary saved a soldier during WWII
95 How God Answers our Prayers?
96 How Much Is Your Soul Worth?
97 I was shocked
98 How Roger Staubach’s prayer became the first
“Hail Mary” pass..
99 How to call the Police when you are old and
do not move fast any more.
100 I Found God in whole humanity.
101 How Grandma’s World Has Changed Since Her Youth.

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 4)

1. E instein’s letter to daughter.
2. Commitment
3. Compassion for Others
4. Co-existence.
5. Colonel Sanders – Kentucky Fried Chicken
6. Complain! Complain! Complain!
7. Conclusions..
8. Conscience.
9. Contentment.
10. Conversation between a pencil and an eraser.
11. Courage.
12. Crime is the same
13. Cultivating Positive Thoughts
14. Dance like no one is watching
15. Acts of kindness.
16. Dead dad takes care of his children
17. Do not ever lose hope
18. The Time is NOW
19. Deeds, not words shaw Religion
20. Desire to Posses More.
21. Destined to Win

22. Love Brings Trouble
23. Destroy the branch of fear that you cling to
24. Dignity of the Beneficiary.
25. You Were Made For This..
26. Diplomacy…
27. Waiting for the Rooster
28. Disharmony.
29. Do not do Evil to Anyone.
30. Do Not Judge..
31. Hatred
32. Do you have an attitude of gratitude?
33. Do you think they will let me play?
34. Don’t envy or mock anyone
35. Dogs and humans.
36. Dogs know-Lucky Dog.
37. Abandoned at birth, Indian grows up to become
Swiss parliamentarian.
38. Doing your Duty is Prayer.
39. Don’t Hope, Decide
40. Don’t judge life by one difficult season, or the person
by one incident.
41. Come alive
42. Don’t Judge the Composer by the player.
43. Don’t believe every tale
44. Over-valuation of oneself
45. Permanent Residence.
46. Don’t jump into conclusions
47. Don’t equate the evil-doer with evil.
48. Don’t Quit.
49. Don’t Rest on Your Old Laurels
50. Don’t Touch Me.
51. No Thirst for Publicity

52. Awareness of Oneself Can Change the Heart.
53. Forgive the Aggressor
54. N ever Lose Sight of The Goal.
55. A Dog’s Purpose
56. The Farmer and the Stork..
57. Don’t wait till the parrot dies.
58. Genuine Goodness is Rare..
59. Dr. Kurt Emmerich.
60. A candle lights others and consumes itself.
61. Drink from a Running Stream
62. Driver thinks fast

63. Drug Store
64. Dunhill cigarettes
65. A Crow and Garuda.
66. Little kitty.
67. Easy- Difficult.
68. “Happiness is not something you find, it’s
something you create.”
69. Emptiness And Filling.
70. Encouragement.
71. A little boy wanted to meet God.
72. Eternally Grateful..
73. E very Husband Should Read This..

74. E veryone has a story in life..
75. Faithful Friends
76. Fall in Love if You Want to Succeed In Life
77. “Fall seven times, stand up eight.”.
78. Fanaticism
79. Fantastic Lines by Mother Teresa.
80. Father’s box
81. Feel Free to Enjoy the Love of God.

82. Fifty dollars
83. Magic Dad…
84. From Candles to Soap.
85. Feng Shui..
86. B e a Believer to be an Achiever.
87. Fine Feathers make fine Birds
88. First Impressions..
89. Five keys to a better prayer life.
90. Five Minutes More..
91. “Flowers” of Temptation.
92. Follow Your Bliss
93. A Little Bit Every Day.
94. Not a one way street.
95. Tonic for the spirit!.
96. Muscle power is no match for brain power
97. The Concert.
98. No point in cleaning..

99. Criticism..
100. Care Cures
101. Jealousy.

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 5)

1. How precious, O God, is your constant love!.
2. I Am Out There
3. I am proud of my father!
4. I Believe.
5. I Can Make It Happen”.
6. I cannot change the way I am.
7. “Heard” the Love
8. I know better..
9. I learnt.
10. I must at least try (A true story).
11. I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me.
12. I shall pass this way but once
13. “I wish you enough”..
14. Idolatry among Christians?.
15. If a dog was the teacher!..
16. “If Augustine could; if Stuart Hamblen could;
why can’t I?”..
17. If I had my life to live over – by Erma Bombeck..
18. If someone was Observing Me.
19. If Tomorrow Never Comes…
20. Important Life Lessons We Learn with Age.

21. ‘ Impossibility’ cannot withstand self-confidence
coupled with determination.
22. “In my daughter’s eyes”
23. In those days
24. In the Same Boat.
25. M y dog is an Indian POLITICIAN
26. India’s ‘Richest’ Man Lives in Hyderabad
27. Indifference
28. Indispensable..
29. Personal Perception
30. Listening to another.
31. S eeing God.
32. Th e silent prayers..
33. W e are needed.
34. Silent Sermon.
35. Ingratitude..
36. Inspiration: The cockroach theory for self development
37. Th e Rosary kept this tortured soldier sane
38 . Th e Right to Lead.
39. I n the jungle which animal is the biggest?.
40. How much do you pay me?.
41. Insult..
42. Insurance Company
43. Missing Person.
44. Out of the box thinking
45. Involvement..
46. ISIS Fighter converts to Christianity after Allah
refuses him ‘Entrance to gates of heaven’.
47. M ore blessed to give than to receive..
48. It Is My Nature
49. It was raining

50. Jesus’ psychological test for the apostles
51. You can’t cheat a mother.
52. Jose & Carlos
53. Drop a pebble in the water
54. Keep on knocking.
55. The Indian way!
56. The Fisherman.
57. Keep Walking
58. Keep Your Dream..
59. Keeper of the Spring…
60. Keepers…..
61. Keeping Calm.
62. Keeping one’s word is nothing other than being
true and honest to oneself..
63. Kindness Is Stronger..
64. Kindness Misinterpreted..
65. King Arthur and the Witch.
66. King Solomon’s Ring – A Short Story about Life.
67. Mageed was a chicken trader..
68. Know yourself first of all..
69. Labour Party or Conservative Party.
70. Last Lecture..
71. Laugh and be Healthy..
72. Law Allows No Exceptions
73. Law of Encounters..
74. Learn and Earn…
75. Lessons on life.
76. Let curiosities alone..
77. Let the critics bark all day long; you go on doing the
right thing…..
78. Life’s Tug of War..

79. Life is a game!…
80. Life is in constant Conflict…
81. Life is Like a Cafeteria.
82. Life is wonderful if you know how to live
83. Life Requires a Rhythm.
84. Life without Any Obstacles Cripples
85. Life without love loses meaning.
86. Light…
87. Limousine in Heaven..
88. Limping Horse…
89. Lion & Mouse..
90. Your Smile is your best friend..
91. I just love talking to you
92. Little drops of water create the torrent.
93. Little girl.
94. Little Things – the Dash.
95. It will all come to an end.
96. Live and Work.
97. Live life to the full..
98. Lord prop us up.
99. A ray of hope and light…
100. Love is not really an action that you do.
101. Leaves, Branches, root..

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 6)

1. A mother’s love.
2. Live a life that Matters.
3. Love..
4. Love For The Family
5. Love is who you are
6. Parable of the King’s Parrot.
7. Love Never Ceases to Hope
8. Love of Neighbour..
9. Love – Wealth – Success.
10. Hatred Hurts The Hater Most.
11. Mad Dad.
12. Photo in the wallet by Lloyd Rodrigues (CNUA)
13. What does love look like
14. From despair to hope
15. Making a Difference.
16. Making amends
17. Lost brothers…

18. Hats off to him Man O Man!
19. Six Easy ways to earn, even after death…
20. Man Pushes Wife to save himself from a sinking
Cruise Ship. But The Reality Is Priceless..
21. Marathon of Life.

22. Marthe Robin.
23. Mary’s motherhood called for Joseph’s fatherhood.
24. Maturity
25. The Mother who made Viswanathan Anand
a chess wizard.
26. Misery Dinner…
27. Ba lance of Nature..
28. Why We Do Things?..
29. Missed Opportunities
30. Misunderstanding
31. Modern Day Parable About A Ma n With Four Wives.
32. Money Blinds.
33. Modern Philosophy..
34. More Gas..
35. Mother Goose Calls 911
36. Mother: Every Artist gives his own name to his work.
37. Mother Teresa.
38. Mothers Don’t Care How Famous You Are…
39. Motivational quotes for success.
40. Moving the Barn.
41. Mule in the Well.
42. My Eternal Home?…
43. My husband is an Engineer by profession
44. My invention is better than yours!.
45. My Mascot….
46. My Mother…By Lloyd Rodrigues
47. My Wish.
48. Nagging does not help; it exasperates.
49. “Corruptio optimi pessima”.
50. Just like the tree in the seed, God is there within you
51. Avoid over-valuation of oneself and one’s own work,
and learn to app reciate what other people do.

52. The Life is the same, and the Crime is the same
53. Nasir Siddiki – Left to Die.
54. National Industrial Conference Board
Washington D.C.
55. Never Argue with a Woman
56. You are good
57. We sometimes miss the most obvious and see what
we want to see. Not just look; observe.
58. Parable: The Obstacle in our Path By: Natalie Smith
59. Oh, How I loved her!.
60. Oil for Your Lamp.
61. A child wanted a new pair of shoes
62. Once a king was sailing on the sea with some
of his courtiers..
63. A man without bad habits..
64. An Eagle among chickens
65. A Painter.
66. A stranded old lady.
67. Keep driving.
68. God is not pleased…
69. Bull shit….
70. Peace in the midst of turmoil
71. Expect some disorder
72. All right, break it up!
73. Trust.
74. Be Patient…
75. The Parts of the House..
76. Praying with Faith..
77. Blessings and Last Rites.
78. One-eyed mom..
79. One for the Road

80. A love story.
81. Only a very noble soul ca n forgive the aggressor.
82. Opinions
83. What our dear ones desire most?
84. The finer qualities.
85. Appearance can be deceptive
86. Opportunity in Today
87. The Art of Giving ..
88. Thoughts to live by…
89. Noble Thoughts
90. New Lawyer..
91. Nine steps to achieve your goals
92. Six ways to make people like you.
93. Not Kill But Control..
94. “Ma y I never get too busy in my own affairs”
95. Nothing but the Truth..
96. Nothing Could Stop This Man.
97. Nothing Happens by Chance..
98. Nothing is more important than your relationships.
99. Nothing is Written..
100. Pain Passes..
101. Copper Kettle Christians.

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 7)

Foreword .
1. Temptations
2. Fasting…
3. You find what you are looking for
4. Why should we read the BIBLE ?
5. The Litt le Grass Hut.
6. The Man Who Loved Bread
7. Saradha Jitendran..
8. Bett er Know Who Your Pilot Is?.
9. Young boy goes to Europe
10. Nuisance
11. Evil Brothers
12. Secrets of the World Class by St eve Siebold
13. Be The Best Of Whatever You Are.
14. Gambling
15. Freedom.
16. Try to become what you could have been..
17. Forgiveness Heals..
18. Look into your own heart..
19. Give as you receive from God..
20. The poor in Spirit.
21. Ten Steps to success.
22. Ten easy steps to happier living.

23. Thanks for your time. I value it most.
24. Thanks Giving Prayer.
25. The Asylum.
26. The right Place.
27. The Acorn Planter
28. The Annoying Little Things
29. The Ant and the Dove
30. The Ant Philosophy.
31. The Arrogance of Authority
32. Attachment blinds you.
33. The Bamboo.
34. The Best of Success..
35. The best sermons are lived, not preached!..
36. The biggest hindrance..
37. The Boy and the Apple Tree
38. The Brain; Use It
39. The Brothel.
40. Determination..
41. The Bunny and the Snake…
42. The Janitor…
43. The chief Rabbi and the Pope
44. The Christmas Gift
45. The Circus.
46. The consequences
47. The Cord.
48. The Criminal and the Old Man.
49. The Dark Candle.
50. The Dash.
51. The Deacon and the Preacher.
52. The Dead Can’t Read the Tombstone..
53. The Depot Manager.

54. The Devil & the Duck.
55. The difference between pigeons and humans.
56. The Dog and the Sufi.
57. The Dog philosophy.
58. The dogs suddenly stopped and lay down
on the snow
59. The Eagle and the Tortoise.
60. The Elephant Rope.
61. The Fancy Nursing Home.
62. The Farmer and the Donkey.
63. You have the ability to change your life.
64. You Don’t Look It .
65. The finer qualities of the person are not inherited
66. Don’t be fooled by the external appearance.
67. Going through our life without any obstacles
would cripple us.
68. Boastful words would not serve..
69. The Fisherman Who Rose Too High..
70. Where are all the sermons gone?
71. Clay Balls..
72. The Four Candles burned slowly..
73. The Frogs and the Tower.
74. The Gems
75. The Genie and the Box of Chocolates.
76. The Gentle Art of Blessing.
77. You are what you are. Be true to thy own self.
78. The girl with the apples True story
79. The Happy Hangover..
80. Meet Auto Raja, the saviour of Bengaluru’s
81. The Hotel Clerk

82. The International Food Shortage
83. The Japanese Master.
84. The Secret of Happiness
85. The Joy of Less..
86. The last wishes of Alexander the Great.
87. You Ate My Half..
88. You are Blessed.
89. Your Legacy Alexander the Great.
90. The obstacle in our path.
91. Bad by name; bad by nature?…
92. You are closer than you think (A True Story).
93. Five Unexpected Lessons Ab out Thinking
94. The Pastor’s Cat..
95. Where People Meet in Love.
96. Who Listens to the People?
97. You are Wonderful
98. Price of an hour
99. The Power of Prayer.
100. The Power of the Saw.
101. “The Handshake”

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 8)

1. Taking it with you.
2. Taste of Wisdom.
3. Taxi Ride..
4. Teacher removed all desks from the Classroom
to teach a valuable lesson
5. Team Work
6. A passing Acquaintance
7. War of Words.
8. Treble the Trouble
9. Change of Mind.
10. Women are special.
11. Two Mountain Goats
12. The Medium can change the Message
13. The Complaint Book.
14. God Guides & Protects His People.
15. You have two choices.
16. You would never know if you don’t try.
17. Supermarket.
18. The Meaning of Life
19. The Men’s Test in Heaven
20. The Mercury Kid..
21. The mouse trap
22. A Simple Gesture (True Story)

23. The Omnipresence of God
24. Where have all the sermons gone?
25. Judge in Dilemma.
26. The Wall
27. The Lone Ranger
28. Mother for Hire.
29. Price Makes Things Priceless.
30. Windows and Mirrors.
31. The Ostrich..
32. The wooden bowl..
33. The Piano.
34. The Plastered Crop
35. Little Brothers Of The Air.
36. Just one..
37. The Power of Love..
38. Turning the other cheek
39. Tom and Cody
40. Unsolicited Compassion.
41. Two Friends
42. The River
43. Do Thoroughly Well..
44. The Rosary made him late and saved many lives! .
45. The gift to a Carpenter.
46. The Seeker of Truth..
47. The Sage.
48. Not the Second Best..
49. The Simple Truths of Service..
50. An Artist of repute.
51. “To Remember Me”.
52. Dad’s love.

53. The Secret to a Lasting Marriage: Embrace
54. The secret to success
55. The Sinner
56. The Spiral Staircase
57. The Spirit of Christmas
58. The Split in the Wall.
59. People Ar e Like Grain
60. The Spoiled Painting.
61. The Stained Glass Window.
62. Sharing Pain..
63. The story of a father who runs marathons with
his disabled son..
64. The Story of another Woman
65. The Story of Captain Henry Morgan
66. The Story of the Oyster.
67. The Story of the Pencil.
68. The Strangest Secret by Earl Nightingale.
69. The Suitcase (A Powerful Message).
70. The Taj Mahal.
71. The Tapestry of Life
72. The Teacher and the Taught.
73. The test.
74. The Three Most Beautiful Books.
75. Training for bravery..
76. The “triple filter”
77. The Turtles
78.. The Weight of the Holy Mass (True Story
happened in Luxembourg)
79. The Whale.
80. The Wheelchair.
81. The Whole World Stinks

82. The Wisest.
83. The Woodcutter and the Missionary…
84. The world is full of sons and daughters like
you and me ..
85. Friend to Friend..
86. The Lake.
87. Things are not always what they seem
88. Anybody There?
89. This baby detected his mother’s breast cancer,
saving her life.
90. Tawny Nelson.
91. A widower and a widow.
92. Pushover.
93. This prayer is a gold mine!.
94. Those Red Shoes
95. Three Blocks of Stone
96. Three dolls.
97. Time for People.
98. Umbrellas and Noodles
99. Let Bygones Be Bygones.
100. To Calm a Disturbed Mind
101. To Err is human; to forgive, divine.


Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 9)

1 Fifty strange Facts .
2 A Beautiful Miracle that cost $1 and eleven cents.
3 You Just Never Know.
4 A group of Frogs.
5 Why do people shout at each other when
they are angry?’..
6 Learning From The Enemy…
7 Forgive Our Trespasses.
8 A hospital story.
9 A Lesson in Life.
10 A man on a deserted Mexican beach at sunset..
11 A Million Dollar Lesson.
12 A Moment of Silence…
13 A Mother is Special..
14 A passing Acquaintance.
15 God Knows..
16 A ray of hope and light.
17 A Black Dot.
18 Norma Findlay, Room 302.
19 Four letter words.

20 Three men were at the FBI Building for a job interview.
21 Acceptance changes all.
22 A 4-Wheel Drive Called Life.
23 Always be Kind.
24 Am I Crazy?..
25 The Postage Stamp.
26 Once there was a very wealthy young man.
27 An Inspirational Story with Wisdom – Don’t we all?
28 An old German Shepherd dog.
29 Road to success.
30 Anger
31 God’s Reign and the End of other empires
Antonio Gonzalez:
32 The Cliff Young Australian Six Day Race
33 As I have aged.
34 Association.
35 Show mercy..
36 FIVE Most Comm on Regrets of the Dying.
37 Post-it Notes.
38 Attitude.
39 Wise Thoughts..
40 Balance sheet..
41 Be Happy (A True Story).
42 Be Thankful
43 Before I Go .
44 Being a veterinarian.
45 Big-hearted Gesture: Humble man gifts 34 houses
to poor at ‘Souharda Nagar’
46 Boy sings to his little sister: “You are My
Sunshine, My only Sunshine”.
47 Living on 32 Rupees a day.
48 WHY ?

49 Breathing Therapy
50 A Mother’s love
51 Champions for Equality
52 People before profession
53 The Ghost Story!
54 Your value.
55 Rescue Mission.
56 How would you like to be remembered?
57 She Sells C Shells.
58 Sharpen your axe..
59 A Sm all Gift.
60 Christmas Parable..
61 What is under Your Feet?.
62 Be Yourself.
63 I’m Grieving, You’re Grieving, We’re Grieving!.
64 The Blind Girl..
65 Three bulls.
66 Charging the Human Battery.
67 Conscience
68 Count your blessings, not your troubles .
69 Cracked Pot..
70 Dare to be one in a thousand
71 Daring Vision of Daniel Kish who uses his
ears to see…
72 Dayy’s coin.
73 Death asked Life
74 Deeply Rooted.
75 Two characteristics of missionary disciples
By Christopher Wells (Vatican News via CNUA )
76 Different stages of Love..
77 Do it Today…
78 Do not judge a busy Doctor.

79 Do not judge.
80 Do You Believe This?..
81 Don’t blame anyone
82 Do not waste food..
83 Drinking from my saucer .
84 Daddy’s Empty Chair .
85 An Eagle and a Tortoise..
86 The apostle Raises Pigeons
87 Everything is clean to the clean (hearted).
88 Wisdom of Wolves
89 Six Hacks to keep Motivation going..
90 Faith.
91 Five finger prayer
92 God My Light.
93 God’s Rosebud..
94 God is like..
95 Gratitude to a driver.
96 Great Marriage Story.
97 Greed is an endless craving
98 How God provided Magnolias for the wedding
99 How to deal with Negative people.
100 Once there was this very wealthy young man.
101 How to Earn Respect .

Omnibus of 1001 Stories You Can Tell ( Volume 10)

1. Self less love of a young girl..
2. Women, you are great.
3. Golden words – beautiful quotes.
4. Guilt..
5. Habits
6. Have a Dream
7. Heart of a Teacher.
8. Chopsticks.
9. Heavy Rains.
10. H.G. Wells
11. How to Stay Young
12. “If I Had My Life to Live Over”.
13. If you want to see how RICH you are, don’t count
your money!..
14. New Life savers’ Flavour..
15. Aircraft Maintenance .
16. A Very Tactful Author.
17. Instructions for Life .
18. Old Church Bell..
19. It is easier to demolish than to build.
20. Th e woman in your life very well expressed.
21. Jewish Thinking.

22. Judge.
23. Keep Dreaming
24. Some Lessons
25. “Let not your left hand know what your right
hand is doing”
26. Observation.
27. Elephants.
28. Living Bible…
29. Love may bring a lot of heartache..
30. Stuff you didn’t know that you didn’t know!.
31. Make Your Welcome Hearty..
32. A farmer and his son.
33. I know better.
34. Modern Mindset.
35. A Silent Scolding
36. Us e your brains
37. Moment of Truth.
38. Mothers Have Many Hands.
39. Th e driver needs sleep.
40. Neighbour’s Chickens.
41. 6 Hacks to Keep Motivation Going..
42. Lessons from History.
43. Men Remember Anniversaries.
44. My name is Rose..
45. A Lake…
46. A Walk on the Holy Side: Nun Helps Transgendered
Find Christ..
47. Nagging woman..
48. So much for fame
49. Why Do I Work
50. Never grow weary.

51. Great Marriage Story
52. New year thoughts
53. No Looking Back
54. Hidden Benefactor.
55. Live Instruments.
56. A Sage in the Forest…
57. Not to say in grief.
58. Obituary printed in the London Times:
Common Sense..
59. Obstacles are necessary.
60. President Abraham Lincoln..
61. Open your mouth thoughtfully..
62. Positive Thinker..
63. A Pound of Butter.
64. Voice from Above.
65. Persons over Possessions
66. Phyllis’ Garden.
67. Optimism Vs . Pessimism..
68. Peace of Mind
69. Playing God..
70. Take the positive attitude pledge today..
71. Power of Example.
72. Prayer..
73. Precious Jewels.
74. Principles of success
75. Great Marriage Story..
76. ‘Putting Your Aff airs In Order.
77. Pyramid to Success in Life.
78. Real love lies not in what is done and known
79. Remembering Mothers on MOT HER S’ DAY
80. Wise Investment..

81. Room For Th e Night.
82. Rope Trick
83. Saved By Saving Another.
84. Strategic Retreat.
85. Searching for God..
86. Self Appraisal”.
87. Shay and baseball.
88. Six Months to Live.
89. Somebody is Proud of You.
90. Spastic children’s Olympic.
91. Silence is more valuable than words
92. Start with Yourself
93. Stay Positive
94. Stay Young, My Friend.
95. Teddy Stoddard…
96. Paid in full by a glass of Milk.
97. Stranded.
98. Midas’ Touch
99. Th e Desert Spring..
100. Stress Management…
101. Daedalus and Icarus.




Additional information


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