
Home ENGLISH Let’s Do Media Education

Let’s Do Media Education


  • INR: ₨ 160.0

Authors: Jacob Srampickal & Leela Perumpally
Pages: 167
Format: PB
Publication Year: 2009
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9788174952202


CONTENTS-Let’s Do Media Education

Introductory Notes
About This Book
Defining the Issues
Goals of Media Education
The Process of Media Education
Images that Speak
The Power of Media
Media Audiences Today

1. Becoming Aware of the Media Sphere around Us
2. Media Leads to Information Overload
3. Media Language: Its Sensorial Appeal
4. Media and Our Culture
5. Media Entertainment
6. De-mystifying the Media
7. Media Support Each Other
8. Media and Reality
All media are constructions
Media Construct Our Reality
Media create stereotypes
9. Media and Consumerism
10. The Philosophy of Commercialism
11. Media and Dehumanization
12. Media and Violence
13. Media and Moral Permissiveness
14.Media Imperialism
15.Cultural Erosion and Mental Colonization
16. Media Control
17. Advertisements
18.Cinema Studies
19.Cinema Analysis
20.Cinema: Various Angles
21. Cinema: A Sociological Study
22. Alternative Media
23.Our Response to Media

Appendix One
A. Daily Media Education
B. Youth and Cyber Trouble
C. The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
D. Zippy Scenarios for Teaching Internet Ethics

Appendix Two
A. History of the development of the various media
B. Traditional Media
C. Group Media methodology \ process
D. New Media internet, video games, cell- phones
E. Other Books Published in India on Media Education




This is a text book for Media Education targeted at teachers and to all those who are interested in conducting Media Education classes to different groups. It is designed in a systematic way, following the most popular method of education – see, judge, act -synonymous to awareness, analysis and action. The effective use of this book necessitates a basic knowledge in communication and in the ways of media. The examples provided are only samples and more of them are to be found in the local/current circuit.




Jacob Srampickal is the Director of Communication Studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. He co-founded the National Institute of Social Communications, Research and Training (NISCORT), of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India, was President of the Indian Association for Catholic Communicators, President of the Catholic Association for Cinema in Asia. He has authored some very useful books on communications.

Leela Perumpally is a media educator, and was earlier registrar and teacher at NISCORT, Delhi, with specialization in Media Education and ethics of the new media.

Sebaan, is a cartoonist, also trained in Media Education.


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