Sadhu Ittyavirah has written 66 books in English and 42 books in Malayalam. Besides, he has written more than 9500 magazine and newspaper articles. He must have given more than 61500 talks to different groups of people. He has been giving talks on the T.V. too, especially Shalom T.V. His books have been praised widely, not only in India, but also abroad. Many have written to him expressing their warm appreciation and genuine admiration. In 1981, Sadhu Ittyavirah received the Albert Schweitzer International award for humanities. He received, in 1993 the Alberione award for value-based writing; in 1997, the Darsana award; in 1998, the Mankuzhikary award, in 1999 the Suwarnarekha award, in 2006 the Vayalil award, and in 2007 the Mother Teresa award as well as Grace Jeevan Hosanna award. Many magazines, newspapers etc. have published articles about his life and work. Sadhu Ittyavirah maintains that God has intelligently provided for us and it is up to us to make proper and effective use of the resources at our disposal, by means of scientific explorations. To this end he has begun a modest house of prayer animated scientific research.
1. God’s providence
2. We are not to be spoon-fed all the time
3. The fault is ours
4. Powerful in our helplessness
5. Our Father has concern for all of us
6. The Provident Father
7. Only a shadow of his love
8. As we grow
9. The Proper thing to do
10. Let us not cling to the apron strings
11. Truly in his love
12. In keeping with our human dignity
13. For our good
14. We are sure to succeed
15. The credit side
16. The great power
17. Bounty as well as bounds
18. A national fast
32. In a thunderstorm
33. God takes care of the little ones
34. The poor mosquito
35. Ants outlive elephants
36. Simple life
37. Judicious use of things
38. Intelligently
39. Good use of resources
40. Love-borne presents
41. That we may grow
42. Pooling our resources
43. With the sweat of your brow
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