
Home ENGLISH I Do Not Adore What You Adore

I Do Not Adore What You Adore


  • INR: ₨ 250.0

Author: Thomas Mooren
Language: ENGLISH
Format: PB
Pages: 278
Publishing Year: 2001
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 8174950834

Categories: ,


Theology and Philosophy in Islam

In this book the author tries to cover a wide range of topics: from the life and work of prophet Muhammad, and the questions on whether and how the actions and the theology of the prophet can be understood from a Christian angle, to the life and spirituality of great Muslim saints and mystics.

The title of the book is a modification of the Quranic doctrines “I do not worship the way you worship”.

Forward by the Islamic theologian Ashgar Ali Engineer has really enriched the book.

A sure help to narrow the gulf of misunderstanding between Islam and other religion and also project the real essence oflslam to other. In the eye of God there is no question of religion, we are all one. Our duty is only to be humble, polite help the needy people, to please the creator of the world and be ready for his Kingdom.

Syed Ahmed Bukhari

— Jama Masjid, Delhi

This book is a scholarly study of Islam with other’s perspective and so not only non-Muslims but also Muslims must read it carefully and respond to it with their own perceptions and understandings of the issues involved.

Ashgar Ali Engineer

— Bombay


Thomas Mooren, born in 1947 in Dortmund-Kurl, is g^l Sm Professor of History of Religions and Missiology at the Hp> BR Institute of Mission Studies at St. Paul University, Ottawa, Ont. (Canada), member of the School of Graduate Studies , and Research, University of Ottawa. He is also an active member of the European Academy of Science and Arts. Prof. Mooren, who has studied Theology, the History of Religions and Anthropology, as well as Arabic, Indonesian and Sanskrit, has published numerous studies on missiology, Islamic monotheism, and the dialogue with the non-Christian religions. He is one of the authors of On the Border- The otherness of God and the Multiplicity of the Religions, Frankfurt, Bern, New York, Paris (Lang) 1994.






Life and message of the Prophet Muhammad.

“1 do not adore what you adore!” The Exodus Motif in Christianity and Islam and its relevance for the dialogue between Islam and Franciscanism.

The Trinity in the Eyes of Islamic Theology.

The Lonely God and His Rebellious Children. Islamic Monotheism and Sufism.

Christianity and Sufism. Was al-Hallag a second Jesus of Nazareth?

Falsafa (philosopohy) and Islam.

The One, the Many and the Case of

Mysticism: Ibn ‘Arabr’s Union of Being

and the Mysticism ot the Upanisads. Reflections

on the Dynamics of Theological Imagination.

The nice face and the ugly face of religious fundamentalism. The case of Islam.


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