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Everything is Connected


  • INR: ₨ 180.0 - ₨ 360.0

Author: Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM
Pages: 238
Format: Paper Back | Ebook
Language: English
ISBN: 9789388989824
Publisher: Media House

SKU: N/A Categories: , , ,


About the Book

From a humanist perspective, this book puts in relation integral ecology and communication; that is, the Web of Life and our life on the Web. “Everything is connected.” The Covid-19 pandemic has uncovered once more that all creation is joined together in a com- mon fate. We will survive only if we collaborate for the common good, eagerly accepting the fact of being dependent on each other.

Unfortunately, we have damaged the Web of Life and we are not properly inhabiting the digital Web. Thus, the objective of this book is to identify the theological, anthropological, and ethical bases that will allow us to overcome the current technocratic ide- ology and to assume a more relational paradigm.


About the Author

Martín Carbajo Núñez, OFM, was born in Figueruela de Arriba (Zamora, Spain). He has a Doctorate degree in Moral Theology (Al- fonsianum, Rome), a License degree in Germanic Philology (Santi- ago de Compostela Univ.), a Master in Social Communication (Gre- gorian Univ., Rome), and is a qualified computer technician. He currently teaches ethics and communication at three universities: two in Rome: Antonianum (PUA) and Alfonsianum (PUL); one in the USA: the FST, affiliated with the Univ. of San Diego (California). At the PUA, he has been Vice-Rector and Rector Magnificus ad inter- im. One of his latest books on ecology (Sister Mother Earth. Fran- ciscan Roots of the Laudato si’) has already nine editions in various languages.

Additional information


Paper Back, Ebook


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