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Consecrated Life Challenges and Prospects


  • INR: ₨ 140.0

Title: Consecrated Life Challenges and Prospects

Author: Johnson J. Puthenpurackal, OFM Cap
Language: ENGLISH
Format: PB
Pages: 161
Publishing Year: 2016
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 9788170867876

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The world of today is fast becoming globalized and secularized.,. The shrinking of world into a ‘global village’ shows itself in various dimensions: global economy, global culture, global market, global society, and so on. What ultimately dictates in all these aspects of globalization is nothing but possession, position and pleasure, for the sake of which the human, moral and spiritual values are easily sacrificed! Thus the process of globalization is a process of secularization as well. Everyone is on the lookout for making the present as comfortable as possible purely through secular means for secular goals. The process of globalization and secularization has its deep impact on ‘consecrated life’ today. The question that poses itself is this: How can ‘consecrated life’ be made relevant in the secularized world of today? It is this question that is the motivating force behind the pleading call of Pope Francis to the Religious: “I am counting on you to wake up the world.”

Although ‘Consecrated Life’ is in a turmoil of growing darkness and violent waves, the approaching beams of light in the calmness of the sea are seen in the horizon: Signs of Hope … provided we allow ourselves to be disturbed and woken up from the ‘slumber’ of shallow comfort in the apparent calmness…

Editorial Introduction
Johnson Puthenpurackal (Editor)
Consecrated Life: Wake-up Call by Pope Francis (.Keynote Address)
Johnson Puthenpurackal
The Renewal of Religious Life: Theological Perspectives
Kurien Kunnumpuram.
Consecrated Life: Biblical Perspective
Praveen Kumar Gopu
Consecrated Life: Insights and Challenges from Sannyasa
Stephen Chundamthadam
Sannyasa In Indian Religious Traditions A Means to Liberation
Stephen Chundamthadam,
Consecrated Life: Tension between Community and Individuality
Thomas Dienberg
Consecrated Life: A Pathway for Emotional Well-Being
Lawrence Soosai Nathan
Consecrated Life: Re-Inventing and Re-Investing for Today
M. Antonetta Pereira
Consecrated Life and Ministry in the Globalized India: Critical Reflections
Sebastian Kuthukallunkal
Concluding Statement
Our Contributors


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