
Home ENGLISH Communicate to win-4

Communicate to win-4


  • INR: ₨ 125.0

Communicate To Win Vol-4- Communication For The New Age
Author: Francis Lobo
Format: PB
Pages: 143
Price: Rs 160/- US$ 5
ISBN: 9788174952127
Published By : Media House


Communication should be good. A good communication motivates, triggers and drives to action for a change. It provokes ripples in the minds of the listener. A bad communication generates errors, omissions, mistakes, accidents, misunderstanding, loss of time and opportunities. Francis Lobo in “Effects of Communication” highlights the positive and the negative effects of communication.

Francis Lobo graduated in Mechanical engineering from the University of Poona. He has over 45 years of industry & business experience as a planning engineer, company | J executive, in-company counsellor, company ” T director, consultant, trainer & C.E.O. and

———J jjas rendered consultancy & training

services to a large number of companies in the private & public sectors . He owns a consulting company, Francis Lobo & Associates. He is Life Fellow of Indian Institution of Industrial Engineering.

He has authored the following books:

Getting Things Done – Strategies for Success, Strategies <6 Techniques for Successful Selling – The Sales Mission, Gaining Advantage through Manufacturing, Sales & Distribution Management.


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