
Home ENGLISH Commitment To Evangelic Perfection

Commitment To Evangelic Perfection


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Author:  `Clertus Devadat, O.S.B.
Language: ENGLISH
Format: HB
Pages: 326
Publishing Year: 2006
Publisher: Media House
ISBN: 8174952233

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To Evangelic Perfection

This book “a precious contribution to a deeper understanding of consecrated life on the only basis on which it can be genuinely presented, the Bible. With an amazing familiarity with all the biblical writings the author illustrates the main features of true discipleship and lo leads to a penetrating understanding of its main features, pointing also on its particular significance for our time which is so much in need of clear and firm orientations in the midst of increasing insecurity. The author bases his book primarily on the biblical text, which has guided the Church through the centuries and will lead her also in the future… we have in our hands the text as it has been used through the centuries and became the basis of Christian life over the world. We are grateful to the author for his help to face with this familiar text the problems of Christian life today, and in particular the vocation to a totally committed life of Evangelic consecration. Under ten headings the author presents the various dimensions of consecrated life.” J. Neuner, S. J., Pune.

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Foreword by J. Neuner, S.J.
1. “Do Whatever He Tells You”: The Mother of Jesus as
the Archetype of Evangelic Perfection
1. Fiat. Let It Be Done to Me according to Your Word
2. They Have No Wine
3. A Sword Will Pierce Your Soul
4. Behold Your Mother – Behold Your Son
5. Mary’s Role in the Ministry of Jesus
6. The Woman in Her Glory
7. Do Whatever He Tells You 36 Conclusion
2. “Love One Another as I Have Loved You”: Mutual Love as the Quintessence of Evangelic
Perfection 43
1. As I have loved you
2. Christian Altruism
3. Forgive Each Other
4. Serve One Another
5. Support One Another
6. Be Subject To One Another
7. Judge Not One Another
9. Do not Scandalize 63 Conclusion
3. “Enter by the Narrow Gate and a Hard Road that
Leads to Life”: Radical Renunciation as Means to Evangelic Perfection
1. Renunciation of Satan and Sin
2. Renunciation of the world and possessions
3. Renunciation of the Ego: Humility and Obedience
4. Renunciation of Marriage: Celibacy
5. Renunciation and Apostleship
4. “Watch and Pray”: Prayer as Means to Evangelic
1. Kinds of Prayer
2. Jesus the Model for Prayer
i. Jesus the Man of Prayer
ii. Jesus’ Prayer as Amen to the Father
3. Mother of Jesus, a Woman of Prayer
4. Prayer of the Christian
i. Characteristics of Christian Prayer
ii. Pray like Jesus
iii. Prayer as Experience
iv. Some Misconceptions on Prayer
5. “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven at Hand” Conversion to God by Turning away from Evil
1. God creates Everything Good
2. Universality of Sin
3. Renunciation of Sin – metanoia
4. Mercy of God
5. S aint versus S inner
6. “Take up Your Cross and Follow Me”: Patient
Endurance as Evangelic Perfection
1. Righteous Person Put to the Test
2. Redemptive Suffering
3. Suffering as Education
4. Christian Response
i. Apostolic Witness
ii. For the glory of God
iii. Suffer joyfully 157
5. Apostolate of Endurance 158 Conclusion
7. “Eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom”: Celibacy as
Means to Evangelic Perfection 167
1. Old Testament Models for Virginity
2. New Testament Models for Virginity
i. Mary the Virgin Mother
ii. Joseph Husband of Virgin Mary
iii. John the Baptist, the New Elijah
iv. Jesus Christ the Redeemer
v. Paul the Apostle
3. Eunuchs for the Kingdom
4. Bodily Purity
5. Friendship and Celibacy
i. Vertically considered – friendship with Christ
ii. Horizontally – mutual friendship
iii. Patterns of friendship
iv. Exclusive or particular’friendship’
v. Heterosexual friendship and Celibacy
6. Some Implications of Life of Celibacy
i. Free for the Lord
ii. Celibate lifestyle
iii. Safeguards for virginal chastity
Conclusion 209
8. “Here I Come to Do Your Will, O Lord”: Doing the
Will of God as the Basis of Evangelic Perfection
1. The Inscrutable Will of God
2: Jesus the Archetype of Resignation to God’s Will
3. God Gifts Humans with Free Will
4. Christian as the Doer of God’s Will
9. “Learn of Me, Gentle and Humble in Heart”:
Humility and Lowliness
1. Humility in the Bible
2. Kenosis: Self-emptying
i. Self-emptying in humility and obedience
ii. Learn of me meek and humble of heart
iii. Friend of tax collectors and sinners
iv. Behold the handmaid of the Lord
3. Characteristics of discipleship
i. Discipleship through kenosis
ii. Faith and self-surrender
iii. By the grace of God
iv. Humble love
v. Lowly service
vi. Radical renunciation
vii. Be merciful to me
viii.Imitating Paul the Apostle
10. “Imitate Me as I Imitate Christ”: Paul the Apostle as a Prototype of Evangelic Perfection 271
1. Saul of Tarsus
2. The Thirteenth Apostle
3. The Proto-Evangelist at the Service of the Gospel
4. Single-hearted Pursuit of Christ
5. Identified with Christ Crucified
6. A Man for Others to Spend and Be Spent
7. Race to the Finish
8. Worthy of Emulation
Conclusion Index:Biblical Citations
Index: themes


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