
Home ENGLISH Civilization of Love

Civilization of Love


  • INR: ₨ 195.0

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Civilization of Love

The Social Teaching of the Church: A Response for a Civilization of Love

Ecosophy: An Indispensable step towards the Civilization of Love.

Eco-theology: Use and Misuse of the Environment the Indian Situation

Feminist Theological Perspective in the Indian Context

Dalit Theology

Religion, Life and the Marginalized. Some

Lessions from the Coastal Context

Discrimination: An Evil in Society

Sexual Hedonism

Emerging Sub-Culture: Violence, Terrorism, Corruption & Drug-Trafficking




1. Civilization ofLove

—Dr. Thomas Paul

2. TheSocialTeachingoftheChurch:

A Response for a Civilization ofLove

—Dr. Lucas Thumma

3. Ecosophy: An IndispensableSteptowardstheCivilizationofLove

—Dr. Sebastian Painadath SJ

4. Eco-theology:UseandMisuseoftheEnvironmentthe Indian Situation

-Dr. Pascal KorothOCD

5. Feminist Theological Perspective in the Indian Context

—Sr. Stella BaltazarFMM

6. DalitTheology: Problem and Response

—Dr. P. Arockiadoss S.J.

7. Religion, Lifeand the Marginalized: Some Lessons from the Coastal Context

—Dr. P. T. Mathew S.J.

8. Discrimination: An Evil in Society

– Dr. Thomas Paul

9. Sexual Hedonism

Dr. Felix Podimattam, OFMCap.

10. EmergingSub-Culture:

Violence,Terrorism, Corruption and Drug-Trafficking

Dr. James Vadackumchery, Criminologist



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